UUMC Events

September 14-28: Pastor Alicia will be continuing her education learning about “Celtic Christianity”
in Scotland and Ireland. If you have a pastoral care emergency, please contact Pastor Beth at pastoralaccomplice@uumcsyracuse.org or call the church office.
September 25 at 12 noon: Join us after worship for a Q&A session with the Interim Superintendent of SCSD. They are looking to hear feedback from the community on ways to improve our Schools..
September 25: Pastor Beth leading worship. When the cat’s away, the dogs will play.
September 25 at 12-7 pm: Westcott Cultural Parade & Festival.
Syracuse United Methodist Ministries, Erwin First and UUMC would like to invite you
to join them in marching in this year’s parade! If you would like to march in the parade,
please meet the SUMM collective at the Westcott Community Center at 11:45.
SUMM, Erwin First & UUMC will be sponsoring a table and is asking for volunteers
to hand out SUMM reusable shopping bags, rainbow streamers & church brochures.
October 2: World Communion Day.
UUMC challenges the congregation to bring in 250 boxes of Jiffy Corn Bread Mix,
250 Boxes of Cake Mix & 250 Containers of premade Frosting.
What will you bring to help us meet this goal?
October 4: Virtual Coffee with the Pastor resumes.
Men’s Group: We would like to start a men’s group in September.
Please email Mark Letham if you are interested in joining or would
like more information at mrletham@comcast.net.
Prayer Circle: If you would like to join our prayer circle, please contact Carol Boll at cjlboll76@gmail.com.