General FAQ

When is UUMC’s worship service?

In person and online worship begins at 10:30 AM every Sunday.  For live stream service please click here Facebook Live to join.

Are all United Methodist churches the same?

No. All United Methodist churches follow the Book of Discipline in regard to doctrine and practice, but congregations differ. Some have a very conservative nature and others are more liberal. We are on the liberal side of the spectrum. For more information on the United Methodist Church, go here: UMC

Can someone attend worship without being a member?

Yes! Our average Sunday attendance is around 100, (pre-pandemic, in-person) and some are not members.

What’s the makeup of the UUMC congregation?

Our membership comprises individuals of many income groups, nationalities, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and political persuasions. Because we are a downtown church, our members come from all reaches of Onondaga County.

2284744What does being a “reconciling congregation” mean?

The United Methodist Church is open to all persons who seek to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. In acknowledging our oneness with all of God’s creation, a reconciling congregation invites gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons to share our faith, our community life and our ministries.  A reconciling congregation affirms the same for all persons without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, economic status, or physical or mental condition. We seek to be an inclusive congregation. We proclaim our commitment to seek reconciliation of all persons to God and to each other through Jesus Christ. We work diligently to make the larger United Methodist Church inclusive and welcoming of all people.

What’s the hierarchy of the church?

The United Methodist Church is overseen by regional bishops. Our bishop, who presides over the Northern New York Annual Conference is the Rev. Mark Webb.  Our annual conference consists of 937 churches in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 counties of New York State. Our minister is appointed to the congregation by the bishop. The conference is divided up into districts, which have their own superintendents. We are in the Crossroads District, and our district superintendent is the Rev. Nola Anderson.

Can anyone receive Communion at University Church?

Yes. All are welcome to participate in the Lord’s Supper as this meal is for God’s family and we are all God’s children. We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of every month in the sanctuary during our 10:30 service. Communion generally is offered in the form of bread cubes and juice served in small individual cups. Occasionally we offer it through intinction, in which the recipient dips the bread into a chalice containing the juice.