Welcome to UUMC
In-Person and on Facebook Live
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Click HERE for full liturgy text.
Please note: All worship services remain “live” on our Facebook page. You are able to watch every one that has been done since we began online worship. They never go away. If you are unable to begin at 10:30, you can watch it at your leisure another time.
Bask in the glow of Christmas and the promise of incarnation, God with us. The rest of the world has moved on from the holiday observance; maybe in the church, you can cling to it a little longer.
This is more than sentimentalism. This is an opportunity to begin to see the implication of the Christ presence among us. The Christ child, who grew “in wisdom and in years, and in divine and human favor,” says Luke’s Gospel (Lk. 2:52), becomes the light by which we walk each day and the way we find one another. We gather to the light; as a result, we grow closer to one another.
(You can also watch online at https://www.facebook.com/UUMCSyracuse or Uumc Stream – YouTube.)